Monday, January 30, 2012

neil asher

Neil Asher Introduction
Neil Asher
The idea for this book came from my work as a professional and personal coach. As I coached people of all ages, all backgrounds, and from all continents, I began to realize the powerful coaching tools I had been using were changing  people’s lives, as they learned to use these same tools for themselves. 
Later, through the New Insights the coach training company that I founded, I learned that some of our students weren’t in the training program to be personal and professional coaches, they were there to use the tools to be more effective in their personal and professional lives. I began to imagine a world where each of us learned these coaching tools, these life tools, as we developed from childhood. I know we’d all be better children, friends, teachers, parents, community members, partners, lovers, business owners, and employees … better people Neil Asher
Coaching tools are really people tools, and I think they need to be made available to the public rather than hidden in coach training programs. We all deserve to have the same skills that coaches have. I know, from personal experience, that coaches have more evolved lives and are typically happier with who they are and what they do. I know that many people who hire a coach gain this satisfaction with themselves as a benefit of the coaching experience. I began to ask myself, why not give these same coaching tools and gifts to readers who aren’t trained as coaches and who may not yet have had a journey with a coach? Why not make these powerful tools available to all to use?
This book is my dream - to share coaching with the world. My desire is that we begin to share these skills with children from an early age, and for us, well, it is never too late to learn!
Have Fun Using these Tools and Let’s Get Coaching!
Neil Asher